Tuesday, January 1, 2013

simple goals: January

Happy New Year to one and all !!!! NO resolutions for me this year. I already have my 101 in 1001 days list keeping me busy. Instead I want to continue with my simple goals - December was the first month I attempted something like this and it worked out so much better than having one big chunk of over ambitious resolutions that I forget soon as the holiday season is over. I managed to do all except one - I think that's pretty neat right? So here are my goals for the month of January:

spend a day without technology
make sure that my sisters have a memorable experience in Korea 
finish a book or 2 or 3 readers are leaders 
try a new recipe
start selling and giving away stuff in my apartment before my big move back to SA end FEB
reduce phone bill substantially from last month
spend a week in detox mode to help recover from the festive season eating

Final thoughts

I can't believe I only have 2 months left in this country I have come to consider a home. I am going to miss it like crazy. I know it. There is no running away from it. Better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all - they say. Couldn't be truer. So much has happened in the past 2 years that words and pictures can't capture on this blog or any other platform for that matter - there is so much I will miss, but without a doubt I will miss my kids the most. They have challenged me, made me laugh and cry. I have experienced a whole range emotions and a love and care I never thought I could feel for children that were not my own. I have been truly blessed.